Bamboo agent could not access jms invoker queue

We had a Bamboo incident the other day - lots of Bamboo agent went offline , and quite a few build plans have to wait in the queue for a long time. We checked the logs and saw something like "Agent could not access JMS invoker queue". JMS stands for Java Message Service which in … Continue reading Bamboo agent could not access jms invoker queue

Bamboo plan for AWS build part 4

Swap URL: This is for blue/green deployment. The idea is to update the floating DNS to point to different stack's ELB CNAME. It allows us to easily divert the traffics to different backend stack, but keep it transparent to users. Cloudformation snippet "Resources": { "Route53DNSRecord": { "Properties": { "Comment": "Floating DNS Record", "HostedZoneName": { "Fn::Join": … Continue reading Bamboo plan for AWS build part 4