Delete Actors from a Jira Project Role

The Jira online REST API doc is wrong about how you can delete actors from a project role. As below it says the query string is user={username}, but it turns out to be inaccurate, even you still get the 204 response code. The right query string is should user=userkey. I have tested and verified this.

Difference between custom domain names of AWS API Gateway

AWS API gateway currently supports two types custom domain names: Edge Optimized and Regional. Let me share what the differences that I have found out so far: Target Domain Name Edge optimized: target domain name is called distributionDomainName, and it is the format of <distribution-id> Regional: target domain name is called regionalDomainName, and it is the format of <api-id>.execute-api.<region> … Continue reading Difference between custom domain names of AWS API Gateway